
Word convert to pages
Word convert to pages

How many pages is 3000 words? 3000 words is equivalent to 6.7 pages in single-spaced Arial font, or 11 pages in double-spaced Arial font.How many pages is 2500 words? 2500 words is equivalent to 5.6 pages in single-spaced Arial font, or 9.1 pages in double-spaced Arial font.How many pages is 2000 words? 2000 words is equivalent to 4.4 pages in single-spaced Arial font, or 7.3 pages in double-spaced Arial font.How many pages is 1500 words? 1500 words is equivalent to 3.3 pages in single-spaced Arial font, or 5.5 pages in double-spaced Arial font.How many pages is 1000 words? 1000 words is equivalent to 2.2 pages in single-spaced Arial font, or 3.7 pages in double-spaced Arial font.How many pages is 500 words? 500 words is equivalent to 1.1 pages in single-spaced Arial font, or 1.8 pages in double-spaced Arial font.Select if you used single, double, or 1.5 spacing. If the font you’re using isn’t here, contact us: we might add it to the tool in the future. Different fonts take up different amounts of space, so make sure to select the right one. Select your font from our drop-down menu.

word convert to pages

In the word count box, enter the number of words in your piece. How to Use the Convert Words to Pages Tool

word convert to pages

Use it to help make sure your essays hit the mark exactly as they’re supposed to. Welcome to our Convert Words to Pages tool! This tool can help you estimate the page length of your essays, stories, speeches, or other articles based on word count. How many words for 25 pages? 11250 words.How many words for 20 pages? 9000 words.How many words for 15 pages? 6750 words.How many words for 10 pages? 4500 words.

Word convert to pages